Wood Engraving Galleries
The narrow Lane £65.00
Jacksons Farm £50.00
A murmuration New £45.00
The openings £30.00
Robin Hoods Bay
Hedge trimming Scalby £65.00
North Bay, Scarborough £65.00
South Bay Scarborough £95.00
Church beck footbridge £35.00
St Laurence Church Scalby £65.00
Tea for two £45.00
All points south £60.00
St Marys Scarborough £75.00
Farmers market £80.00
Lovers lane £30.00
199 Steps Whitby £80.00
Hunting for treasure £100.00

The Shambles, York
About wood engraving.
Wood engraving is a relief form of printmaking. It is usually done on the end grain of a block of boxwood or lemonwood and sometimes pear, apple etc. The engraving wood are particularly hard, and so extremely fine detail is possible as the artist engraves a design, using fine steel cutting tools, called burins.
When the artist has completed cutting the block, a thin layer of ink is applied to the surface using a roller, only the uncut areas will accept the ink layer. A sheet of smooth paper is laid face down onto the block, an impression can be taken by rubbing the back of paper with a spoon or baren. I am fortunate to own a large Albion press from the 19th century which i use to print my completed blocks.