Michael Atkin printmaker


Night ride


Night ride wood engraving by Michael Atkin
Bonfire night wood engraving by Michael Atkin
The gatehouse tryst wood engraving by Michael Atkin
The boy who rode a pig wood engraving by Michael Atkin

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About wood engraving.

Wood engraving is a relief form of printmaking. It is usually done on the end grain of a block of boxwood or lemonwood and sometimes pear, apple etc.  The engraving wood are particularly hard, and so extremely fine detail is possible as the artist engraves a design, using fine steel cutting tools, called burins.

When the artist has completed cutting the block, a thin layer of ink is applied to the surface using a roller, only the uncut areas will accept the ink layer. A sheet of smooth paper is laid face down onto the block, an impression can be taken by rubbing the back of paper with a spoon or baren. I am fortunate to own a large Albion press from the 19th century which i use to print my completed blocks.