Michael Atkin Printmaker,

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Etchings, lino prints and wood engravings

Contents page

Technical details page

Other Images in the book

As well as the 26 images printed in individual pages there are other images, the introduction page features a linot priint of The Headland,

On the contents page there is 'North Bay, Scarborough'

On the technical detail page there are two wood engravings, one showing the book with a backdrop of Scarborough Headland, the other being 'South Bay, Scarborough'

Both North & South Bay wood engravings are printed on the inside of the solandar box as endpapers.

'An Alphabet of Scarborough'

A limited edition book, 26 copies which represent the 26 letters of the Alphabet.

An A to Z book of Scarborough, views that have caught my eye for one reason or another.

As well as the hand bound book which will contain all 26 images + frontispeace & notes, there will be an aditional edition of 26 copies of each image which can be individually framed.

Below is a blub booklet, free to read on their website about the making of the book. With a forward by Colin Simpson.

It describes the whole process from conception to completion, which took some three years in total.

There are only 5 copies left in the edition.