Michael Atkin Printmaker,

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Etchings, lino prints and wood engravings

Z is for Zig Zag

Etching & Aquatint   205   x 304 mm

Edition of 26 copies

Hannemuhle Not surface 140Lbs


Trying to find a subject for the letter Z was always going to be difficult, the zoo no longer exists. My friend Tony belshaw suggested the paths in the St. Nicholas Gardens which form a Zig Zag. Starting with the iron railings in the foreground it created a perfect start to the composition. The building at the top of the piocture is the prresent Town Hall of Scarborough.  

Alterrnative title : ''The gardeners flask'

Z is for Zig Zag is the last page in my limited eidition book titled 'An Alphabet of Scarborouygh', published in an edition of just 26 fully bound copies in 2017