Michael Atkin Printmaker,

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Etchings, lino prints and wood engravings

Big field

Lino print     316 x 540  mm

25 + 2 artist's proofs     Hannemuhle 120Lbs Not.


Spotted this very large field whilst driving in North Yorkshire National Park, it was huge, did a quick sketch on the back of a shopping list, loved the size of it, wondered how many smaller fields had been lost to create this huge one. looked as though it had been growing wheat .

Staithes from cowbar, North Yorkshire

Staithes from cowbar

Wood engraving

Staithes harbour, lwood engraving hand printed

Staithes harbour

Wood Engraving

Fishing boats at Staithes, lino print
Big field, lino print hand printed using an 1889 Albion press.

Lino print