Michael Atkin Printmaker,

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Etchings, lino prints and wood engravings

Lighting the smoker

Etching & aquatint 250 x 340  mm

25 + 2 artist's proofs

Hannemuhle Not surface 140Lbs


  Fascinated with the whole process of bee keeping I jouned the local bee keepers association. One of the members offered to take me on a outing to visit his hives. Dully dressed with long sleved shirt, thick trousers, gloves etc we set off. One little pesky blighter managed to infiltrate my clothing and stung me, little did I know that i was alergic to bee stings. My arm swelled up to an incredible size, end of my assocation with the bees, but not before I'd managed to record the lighting of the smoker, which makes the bees a little docile ( or at least I thought)

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